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Eric Foner Voices of Freedom Vol 2 Fifth Edition Vof

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Read documents #103, #104, #105, and #106 of Voices of Freedom (VOF) and then post an answer to the following question.


Pretend that the people whose 'voices' you read in your VOF are in a room together. Based on what you read, what would at least two of them have to say about each other's conceptualization of freedom? Would they agree or disagree? Please discuss all of the documents assigned and use examples from them to support your answers

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5E VOICES OF FREEDOM """"""""H"""""""" A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY VOLUME 2 ERIC FONER SAuSAgEMaN ****************** Uploaded for poor college students everywhere by SAuSAgEMaN ****************** SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol1_6P.indd ii 10/14/16 9:04 AM V OICES OF F REEDOM A Documentary History Fifth Edition Vo l u m e 2 SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd i 10/14/16 9:04 AM SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd ii 10/14/16 9:04 AM V OICES OF F REEDOM A Documentary History Fifth Edition EDITED BY E R I C F O N E R  Vo l u m e 2 n W. W. N O R T O N & C O M PA N Y . N E W Y O R K . L O N D O N SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd iii 10/14/16 9:04 AM W. W. Norton & Company has been independent since its founding in 1923, when William Warder Norton and Mary D. Herter Norton first published lectures delivered at the People's Institute, the adult education division of New York City's Cooper Union. The firm soon expanded its program beyond the Institute, publishing books by celebrated academics from America and abroad. By midcentury, the two major pillars of Norton's publishing program—trade books and college texts—were firmly established. In the 1950s, the Norton family transferred control of the company to its employees, and today—with a staff of four hundred and a comparable number of trade, college, and professional titles published each year—W. W. Norton & Company stands as the largest and oldest publishing house owned wholly by its employees. Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005 by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Manufacturing by Maple Press Book design by Antonina Krass Composition by Westchester Book Group Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Foner, Eric, 1943– editor. Title: Voices of freedom: a documentary history / edited by Eric Foner. Description: Fifth edition. | New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2016. | Includes bibliographical references. Identifiers: LCCN 2016045203 | ISBN 9780393614497 (pbk., v. 1) | ISBN 9780393614503 (pbk., v. 2) Subjects: LCSH: United States—History—Sources. | United States—Politics and government—Sources. Classification: LCC E173 .V645 2016 | DDC 973—dc23 LC record available at ISBN: 978-0-393-61450-3 (pbk.) W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110 wwnorton .com W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., 15 Carlisle Street, London W1D 3BS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd iv 10/14/16 9:04 AM ERIC FONER is DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University, where he earned his B.A. and Ph.D. In his teaching and scholarship, he focuses on the Civil War and Reconstruction, slavery, and nineteenth- century America. Professor Foner's publications include Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War; Tom Paine and Revolutionary America; Politics and Ideology in the Age of the Civil War; Nothing but Freedom: Emancipation and Its Legacy; Reconstruction: American's Unfinished Revolution, 1863–1877; Freedom's Lawmakers: A Directory of Black Officeholders During Reconstruction; The Story of American Freedom; Who Owns History? Rethinking the Past in a Changing World; and Forever Free: The Story of Emancipation and Reconstruction. His history of Reconstruction won the Los Angeles Times Book Award for History, the Bancroft Prize, and the Parkman Prize. He served as president of the Organization of American Historians, the American Historical Association, and the Society of American Historians. His most recent trade publications include The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery, which won numerous awards including the Lincoln Prize, the Bancroft Prize, and the Pulitzer Prize, and Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad. SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd v 10/14/16 9:04 AM SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd vi 10/14/16 9:04 AM Contents Preface xv 15 "What Is Freedom?": Reconstruction, 1865– 1877 95. Petition of Black Residents of Nashville (1865) 1 96. Petition of Committee on Behalf of the Freedmen to Andrew Johnson (1865) 4 97. The Mississippi Black Code (1865) 7 98. A Sharecropping Contract (1866) 11 99. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, "Home Life" (ca. 1875) 14 100. Frederick Douglass, "The Composite Nation" (1869) 18 101. Robert B. Elliott on Civil Rights (1874) 24 16 America's Gilded Age, 1870– 1890 102. Jorgen and Otto Jorgensen, Homesteading in Montana (1908) 28 103. Andrew Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth (1889) 32 104. William Graham Sumner on Social Darwinism (ca. 1880) 35 vii SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd vii 10/14/16 9:04 AM Contents viii 105. A Second Declaration of Independence (1879) 40 106. Henry George, Progress and Poverty (1879) 42 107. Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward (1888) 45 108. Walter Rauschenbusch and the Social Gospel (1912) 49 17 Freedom's Boundaries, at Home and Abroad, 1890– 1900 109. The Populist Platform (1892) 52 110. Booker T. Washington, Address at the Atlanta Cotton Exposition (1895) 57 111. W. E. B. Du Bois, A Critique of Booker T. Washington (1903) 61 112. Ida B. Wells, Crusade for Justice (ca. 1892) 64 113. Frances E. Willard, Women and Temperance (1883) 70 114. Josiah Strong, Our Country (1885) 72 115. Emilio Aguinaldo on American Imperialism in the Philippines (1899) 74 18 The Progressive Era, 1900– 1916 116. Manuel Gamio on a Mexican-American Family and American Freedom (ca. 1926) 77 117. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Women and Economics (1898) 81 118. John A. Ryan, A Living Wage (1912) 84 119. The Industrial Workers of the World and the Free Speech Fights (1909) 87 SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd viii 10/14/16 9:04 AM Contents ix 120. Margaret Sanger on "Free Motherhood," from Woman and the New Race (1920) 92 121. Mary Church Terrell, "What It Means to Be Colored in the Capital of the United States" (1906) 96 122. Woodrow Wilson and the New Freedom (1912) 100 123. R. G. Ashley, Unions and "The Cause of Liberty" (1910) 103 19 Safe for Democracy: The United States and World War I, 1916– 1920 124. Woodrow Wilson, A World "Safe for Democracy" (1917) 105 125. Randolph Bourne, "War Is the Health of the State" (1918) 107 126. A Critique of the Versailles Peace Conference (1919) 112 127. Carrie Chapman Catt, Address to Congress on Women's Suffrage (1917) 114 128. Eugene V. Debs, Speech to the Jury (1918) 119 129. Rubie Bond, The Great Migration (1917) 123 130. Marcus Garvey on Africa for the Africans (1921) 127 131. John A. Fitch on the Great Steel Strike (1919) 130 20 From Business Culture to Great Depression: The Twenties, 1920– 1932 132. André Siegfried on the "New Society," from the Atlantic Monthly (1928) 136 133. The Fight for Civil Liberties (1921) 140 SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd ix 10/14/16 9:04 AM Contents x 134. Bartolomeo Vanzetti's Last Statement in Court (1927) 145 135. Congress Debates Immigration (1921) 147 136. Meyer v. Nebraska and the Meaning of Liberty (1923) 151 137. Alain Locke, The New Negro (1925) 155 138. Elsie Hill and Florence Kelley Debate the Equal Rights Amendment (1922) 160 21 The New Deal, 1932– 1940 139. Letter to Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins (1937) 163 140. John Steinbeck, The Harvest Gypsies (1936) 166 141. Labor's Great Upheaval (1937) 168 142. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Speech to the Democratic National Convention (1936) 172 143. Herbert Hoover on the New Deal and Liberty (1936) 175 144. Norman Cousins, "Will Women Lose Their Jobs?" (1939) 178 145. Frank H. Hill on the Indian New Deal (1935) 183 146. W. E. B. Du Bois, "A Negro Nation within a Nation" (1935) 187 22 Fighting for the Four Freedoms: World War II, 1941– 1945 147. Franklin D. Roosevelt on the Four Freedoms (1941) 192 148. Will Durant, Freedom of Worship (1943) 194 149. Henry R. Luce, The American Century (1941) 196 150. Henry A. Wallace on "The Century of the Common Man" (1942) 199 SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd x 10/14/16 9:04 AM Contents xi 151. F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (1944) 202 152. World War II and Mexican-Americans (1945) 205 153. African-Americans and the Four Freedoms (1944) 208 154. Justice Robert A. Jackson, Dissent in Korematsu v. United States (1944) 210 23 The United States and the Cold War, 1945– 1953 155. Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1945) 215 156. The Truman Doctrine (1947) 218 157. NSC 68 and the Ideological Cold War (1950) 221 158. Walter Lippmann, A Critique of Containment (1947) 225 159. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) 228 160. President's Commission on Civil Rights, To Secure These Rights (1947) 234 161. Joseph R. McCarthy on the Attack (1950) 239 162. Margaret Chase Smith, Declaration of Conscience (1950) 242 163. Will Herberg, The American Way of Life (1955) 244 24 An Af f luent Society, 1953– 1960 164. Richard M. Nixon, "What Freedom Means to Us" (1959) 248 165. Daniel L. Schorr, "Reconverting Mexican Americans" (1946) 253 166. The Southern Manifesto (1956) 257 167. Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom (1962) 259 SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_7P.indd xi 10/26/16 11:37 AM Contents xii 168. C. Wright Mills on "Cheerful Robots" (1959) 262 169. Allen Ginsberg, "Howl" (1955) 265 170. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) 267 25 The Sixties, 1960– 1968 171. John F. Kennedy, Speech on Civil Rights (1963) 272 172. Malcolm X, The Ballot or the Bullet (1964) 276 173. Barry Goldwater on "Extremism in the Defense of Liberty" (1964) 280 174. Lyndon B. Johnson, Commencement Address at Howard University (1965) 284 175. The Port Huron Statement (1962) 288 176. Paul Potter on the Antiwar Movement (1965) 294 177. The National Organization for Women (1966) 296 178. César Chavez, "Letter from Delano" (1969) 300 179. The International 1968 (1968) 304 26 The Triumph of Conservatism, 1969– 1988 180. Brochure on the Equal Rights Amendment (1970s) 307 181. Barry Commoner, The Closing Circle (1971) 309 182. The Sagebrush Rebellion (1979) 313 183. Jimmy Carter on Human Rights (1977) 316 184. Jerry Falwell, Listen, America! (1980) 319 185. Phyllis Schlafly, "The Fraud of the Equal Rights Amendment" (1972) 324 SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_7P.indd xii 10/26/16 11:37 AM Contents xiii 186. James Watt, "Environmentalists: A Threat to the Ecology of the West" (1978) 327 187. Ronald Reagan, Inaugural Address (1981) 329 27 From Triumph to Tragedy, 1989– 2001 188. Pat Buchanan, Speech to the Republican National Convention (1992) 332 189. Bill Clinton, Speech on Signing of NAFTA (1993) 334 190. Declaration for Global Democracy (1999) 336 191. The Beijing Declaration on Women (1995) 338 192. Puwat Charukamnoetkanok, "Triple Identity: My Experience as an Immigrant in America" (1990) 343 28 A New Century and New Crises 193. The National Security Strategy of the United States (2002) 349 194. Robert Byrd on the War in Iraq (2003) 352 195. Second Inaugural Address of George W. Bush (2005) 356 196. Archbishop Roger Mahoney, "Called by God to Help" (2006) 359 197. Anthony Kennedy, Opinion of the Court in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) 198. Security, Liberty, and the War on Terror (2008) 362 366 199. Barack Obama, Eulogy at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (2015) 368 SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd xiii 10/14/16 9:04 AM SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd xiv 10/14/16 9:04 AM Preface Voices of Freedom is a documentary history of American freedom from the earliest days of European exploration and settlement of the Western Hemisphere to the present. I have prepared it as a companion volume to Give Me Liberty!, my survey textbook of the history of the United States centered on the theme of freedom. This fifth edition of Voices of Freedom is organized in chapters that correspond to those in the fifth edition of the textbook. But it can also stand independently as a documentary introduction to the history of American freedom. The two volumes include more than twenty documents not available in the third edition. No idea is more fundamental to Americans' sense of themselves as individuals and as a nation than freedom, or liberty, with which it is almost always used interchangeably. The Declaration of Independence lists liberty among mankind's inalienable rights; the Constitution announces as its purpose to secure liberty's blessings. " Every man in the street, white, black, red or yellow," wrote the educator and statesman Ralph Bunche in 1940, "knows that this is 'the land of the free' . . . 'the cradle of liberty.' " The very universality of the idea of freedom, however, can be misleading. Freedom is not a fixed, timeless category with a single unchanging definition. Rather, the history of the United States is, in part, a story of debates, disagreements, and struggles over freedom. Crises such as the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the Cold xv SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd xv 10/14/16 9:04 AM xvi Preface War have permanently transformed the idea of freedom. So too have demands by various groups of Americans for greater freedom as they understood it. In choosing the documents for Voices of Freedom, I have attempted to convey the multifaceted history of this compelling and contested idea. The documents reflect how Americans at dif ferent points in our history have defined freedom as an overarching idea, or have understood some of its many dimensions, including political, religious, economic, and personal freedom. For each chapter, I have tried to select documents that highlight the specific discussions of freedom that occurred during that time period, and some of the divergent interpretations of freedom at each point in our history. I hope that students will gain an appreciation of how the idea of freedom has expanded over time, and how it has been extended into more and more areas of Americans' lives. But at the same time, the documents suggest how freedom for some Americans has, at various times in our history, rested on lack of freedom— slavery, indentured servitude, the subordinate position of women—for others. The documents that follow reflect the kinds of historical developments that have shaped and reshaped the idea of freedom, including war, economic change, territorial expansion, social protest movements, and international involvement. The selections try to convey a sense of the rich cast of characters who have contributed to the history of American freedom. They include presidential proclamations and letters by runaway slaves, famous court cases and obscure manifestos, ideas dominant in a par ticular era and those of radicals and dissenters. They range from advertisements in colonial newspapers seeking the return of runaway indentured servants and slaves to debates in the early twentieth century over the definition of economic freedom, the controversy over the proposed Equal Rights Amendment for women, and recent Supreme Court decisions dealing with the balance between liberty and security in war time. I have been particularly attentive to how battles at the boundaries of freedom—the efforts of racial minorities, women, and SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd xvi 10/14/16 9:04 AM Preface xvii others to secure greater freedom—have deepened and transformed the concept and extended it into new realms. In addition, in this fifth edition I have included a number of new documents that illustrate how the history of the western United States, and more particularly the borderlands area of the Southwest, have affected the evolution of the idea of freedom. These include the Texas Declaration of Independence of 1836, a reminiscence about homesteading in the West in the late nineteenth century, a report on the status of Mexican-Americans in the aftermath of World War II, and an explanation of the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion of the 1970s. All of the documents in this collection are "primary sources"— that is, they were written or spoken by men and women enmeshed in the events of the past, rather than by later historians. They therefore offer students the opportunity to encounter ideas about freedom in the actual words of participants in the drama of American history. Some of the documents are reproduced in their entirety. Most are excerpts from longer interviews, articles, or books. In editing the documents, I have tried to remain faithful to the original purpose of the author, while highlighting the portion of the text that deals directly with one or another aspect of freedom. In most cases, I have reproduced the wording of the original texts exactly. But I have modernized the spelling and punctuation of some early documents to make them more understandable to the modern reader. Each document is preceded by a brief introduction that places it in historical context and is followed by two questions that highlight key elements of the argument and may help to focus students' thinking about the issues raised by the author. A number of these documents were suggested by students in a U.S. history class at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, taught by Professor David Hsiung. I am very grateful to these students, who responded enthusiastically to an assignment by Professor Hsiung that asked them to locate documents that might be included in this edition of Voices of Freedom and to justify their choices with historical arguments. Some of the documents are SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd xvii 10/14/16 9:04 AM xviii Preface included in the online exhibition, "Preserving American Freedom," created by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Taken together, the documents in these volumes suggest the ways in which American freedom has changed and expanded over time. But they also remind us that American history is not simply a narrative of continual progress toward greater and greater freedom. While freedom can be achieved, it may also be reduced or rescinded. It can never be taken for granted. Eric Foner SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd xviii 10/14/16 9:04 AM V OICES OF F REEDOM A Documentary History Fifth Edition Vo l u m e 2 SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd xix 10/14/16 9:04 AM SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch00_vol2_6P.indd xx 10/14/16 9:04 AM CHAPTER 15 "What Is Freedom?": Reconstruction, 1865– 1877 95. Petition of Black Residents of Nashville (1865) Source: Newspaper clipping enclosed in Col. R. D. Mussey to Capt. C. P. Brown, January 23, 1865, Letters Received, ser. 925, Department of the Cumberland, U.S. Army Continental Commands, National Archives. At the request of military governor Andrew Johnson, Lincoln exempted Tennessee from the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 (although many slaves in the state gained their freedom by serving in the Union army). In January 1865, a state convention was held to complete the work of abolition. A group of free blacks of Nashville sent a petition to the delegates, asking for immediate action to end slavery and granting black men the right to vote (which free blacks had enjoyed in the state until 1835). The document emphasized their loyalty to the Union, their natural right to freedom, and their willingness to take on the responsibilities of citizenship. The document offers a revealing snapshot of black consciousness at the dawn of Reconstruction. 1 SAuSAgEMaN 007-65853_ch01_vol2_6P.indd 1 10/14/16 9:04 AM Vo i c e s o f F...
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The Voice of Freedom
Institutional Affiliation



The idea of freedom differs for all the documents in the Voice of Freedom as individuals
have varying expectations. Americans went through a series of experiences before attaining the
kind of life they enjoy today(Foner, 2008). If all these individuals were in a similar room, they
would agree on most issues as it is about attaining the most comfortable position that individuals
consider effective to live a good life. They might however disagree in certain terms due the
issues they faced.
Some social activists might consider social revolution as the best action when it comes to
liberty while others are more focused on the financial aspect. Document 103 for example prefers
the building of social insti...

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Eric Foner Voices of Freedom Vol 2 Fifth Edition Vof
